Interface CredentialRequirementManagement

  • public interface CredentialRequirementManagement
    API for CredentialRequirements management.
    K. Benedyczak
    • Method Detail

      • removeCredentialRequirement

        void removeCredentialRequirement​(String toRemove,
                                         String replacementId)
                                  throws EngineException
        Removes the given credential set definition. The second argument is used to get another existing set, to replace the removed one where it is used. It can be null only if the removed set is not used otherwise an exception is thrown. If the replacementId is not null, then the replacementAuthnState governs the desired overall authentication state of the entities which have their credential requirements modified. For details see #updateCredentialRequirement(CredentialRequirements, LocalAuthenticationState) - the semantics is the same here.
        toRemove - credential requirement to remove
        replacementId - credential requirement to be applied to entities that used the removed requirement. Can be null, but then the operation will be successful only if there was no entity with the requirement.